
Klaus BRU:
I have a new band now (D/ BE/ I)


Klaus Bru, C - Saxophones
Martijn Vanbuel, e-bass
Pietro Valente, drums

featuring Fabian Pollack, guitar

Klaus Bru ist wieder in der Stadt und präsentiert sein aktuelles
internationales Trio, verstärkt mit heimischer Gitarrenprominenz.

Als Projektbeschreibung erreicht uns dieses:
"You: Tell me, who is the I in this band?
I: You know, I could be me, or I could be you.
You: I don´t quite understand...
I: Well, most musicians are like prostitutes, they play in too many bands at once,
and we are no exception.
You: I see. And what is the "New" in your name about?
I: New stands for daring, fresh, ground-breaking, intriguing, intense, passionate,
surprising, ...
You: OK, Enough! What kind of music do you play?
I: We mingle Jazz with South-Eastern European Folk Music, throw in some Rock,
add distorted Waltzes in 5/4, or stuff that could come out of a Film Noir, for example,
but we also have sugary ballads for the girls...
You: And how do you call all that?
I: There are people who call it Jazz, but we just call it music." (K.Bru)

Eine kleine Klaus Bru Historie gibt´s hier zu lesen.

20h30 / Eintritt 12,-/ erm.8,-
